We invite you to explore our educational videos about how to help the health of our waterways and unique environment!
Protect Pollinators
Only Rain Down the Storm Drain
Doggie Doo - Popo de Perro
Football, Trash - Fútbol Americano, Basura
Baseball, Pesticides - Béisbol, Pesticidas
The Solution to Water Pollution - Ser la Solución de la Contaminación del Agua
Fowl Water
¿Agua Limpia?
Dirty word - Storm Drain
Palabra Sucia - Alcantarilla
Plastic Marine Debris - Desechos Marinos Plásticos
September 2024 Construction General Permit & PCR Training

A recording of the presentation is available here.
August 2024 2NFORM Software Training

To view the video of this GIS-based stormwater management software presentation, please click here.
August 2021 Post-Construction Reqs Training

Pamphlets for Stormwater Best Practices
Water Quality Monitoring Reports
- MRSWMP Regional Monitoring Data Analysis, 2000-2014
- 2014-15 MRSWMP Monitoring Program Final Report
- 2015-16 MRSWMP Monitoring Program Final Report
- 2016-17 MRSWMP Monitoring Program Final Report
- 2017-18 MRSWMP Monitoring Program Final Report
- 2018-19 MRSWMP Monitoring Program Final Report
- 2019-20 MRSWMP Monitoring Program Final Report
- 2020-21 MRSWMP Monitoring Program Final Report
- 2021-22 MRSWMP Monitoring Program Final Report
- 2022-23 MRSWMP Monitoring Program Final Report
- 2023-24 MRSWMP Monitoring Program Final Report
Guidance Documents
- Stormwater Technical Guide
- MRSWMP Guidance Document, Public Education and Outreach Appendix: Regulatory document that contains the requirements each entity must implement and enforce locally to protect the water quality of waterways like the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.
- Infiltration Testing: This manual from the Riverside Flood Control District provides useful guidance on infiltration testing.
- Infiltration Rate Assessment Methods: Guidance from the County of San Diego for the Geotechnical Engineer Analysis.
- Information for Commercial Washers on Managing Wash Water Discharges: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Booklet
- Low Impact Development
- Bioretention Plant List, including climate zones.
- Native Soil Assessment for Small Infiltration-Based Stormwater Control Measures: Central Coast Low Impact Development Initiative (LIDI)
- Technical Memo on Low Impact Development Plant Selection, Trees, Soils, Ongoing Care, and more.
- Plant Palette Guidebook for various land uses, including commercial and residential.
- LID Parking Lot Technical Assistance Memo PDF
- LIDI Bioretention Guidance Technical Assistance Memo PDF
- LIDI Bioretention Standard Details and Technical Specifications PDF
- LIDI Bioretention Standard Details and Technical Specifications Memo 3/6/13 PDF
- Bioretention Standards Details and Diagrams PDF
- Bioretention/Dry Well Standard Details Diagram BMP PDF
- Biofiltration System/Dry Well Design Memo PDF
- Bioretention Standards Details (AutoCAD DWG in zip folder)
- Bioretention/Dry Well Standard Details (AutoCAD DWG in zipped folder)
- Bay Area Stormwater Management Agencies Technical Report and Bioretention Soil Media Specification
- San Diego Region BSM Specification with accompanying Memo - using a slightly lower compost percentage
- Green Streets Chapter of the Transportation Agency of Monterey County’s Complete Streets Guidebook
- Monterey Regional Stormwater Management Program Construction BMP Handbook PDF
- Bureau of Reclamation Drainage Manual: Guidance for integrating plant, soil, and water relationships for drainage of irrigated lands.
Plans/Fact Sheets
- Monterey Peninsula Region Stormwater Resource Plan
- Example Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Plan: Example O&M Plan prepared for a residential subdivision in Contra Costa County. Plans will be project-specific in accordance with the Stormwater Control Plan and should be discussed with municipal contacts. More information is provided in Chapter 5 of the Stormwater Technical Guide.
- Stormwater Control Plan Template
- Stormwater Control Plan Template – Small (Tier 1) Projects
- Operations and Maintenance Fact Sheets: Sample Fact Sheets for Structural Control Measures - guidance document for general informational and educational purposes. Applicant must check with the local jurisdiction to ensure compliance with the Post-Construction Requirements and other applicable laws.
Resource Partners & Additional Information
California’s Thank You Ocean Campaign is a nonprofit partnership supported by the State of California, the NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, and the Ocean Communicators Alliance. The campaign mission is to unite voices and amplify messages to raise ocean awareness and promote everyday actions that protect the ocean.
California State University Monterey Bay: Habitat Stewardship Project is a community and school based environmental education program dedicated to involving students (Kindergarten through University) and the community in native habitat restoration.
California State Water Resources Control Board Storm Water Program: To preserve, enhance, and restore the quality of California’s water resources and drinking water for the protection of the environment, public health, and all beneficial uses, and to ensure proper water resource allocation and efficient use, for the benefit of present and future generations. More detail on the Phase II Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Program is available on the State Board's webpage.
- California Stormwater Quality Association: a professional member association dedicated to the advancement of stormwater quality management through collaboration, education, implementation guidance, regulatory review, and scientific assessment. CASQA has been a leader since 1989 when the field of stormwater management was in its infancy. Visit their California Low Impact Development Portal here.
- Central Coast Low Impact Development Initiative (LIDI): supporting the vision of healthy watersheds through the implementation of LID design principles, hydromodification controls, and sustainable development throughout the Central Coast region. LIDI worked with state and national experts to improve bioretention details and specifications based on years of implementation and lessons learned. Resources from LIDI include: guidance on bioretention soil media; plant selection and landscape installation; AutoCAD standard details for bioretention facilities, curb cuts, overflow inlets, and check dams; applicable municipal codes and ordinances; Technical Guidance Web Site. Click here to view all resources.
- Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board: Area-specific Post-Construction Stormwater Requirements are available on the Regional Board's page.
Ecology Action: advancing equitable community climate solutions through partnership, education, and action.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Clean Water Act summary; Green Infrastructure Website
Monterey Bay Area Green Business Program: a partnership of environmental agencies, utilities, and nonprofit organizations that assist, recognize, and promote businesses and government agencies that volunteer to operate in a more environmentally responsible way.
Monterey Bay Friendly Landscaping & Gardening programs: a collaborative effort between Ecology Action, CA Landscape Contractors Association (Central Coast Chapter), Ecological Landscaping Association, Monterey Bay Master Gardeners, Surfrider Foundation, Resource Conservation Districts, and more than 20 public agencies representing water utilities, solid waste and recycling, stormwater management.
Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary: one of our nation’s most spectacular marine protected areas, Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary offers some of the best wildlife viewing in the world.
Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Citizen Watershed Monitoring Network: a consortium of citizen monitoring groups that monitor the health of the eleven watersheds flowing into Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.
Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District: Let's Go Outdoors!
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA): weather forecast tool that include rainfall predictions - helpful for larger projects when completing rainfall monitoring in accordance with the Construction General Permit.
The Otter Project: The Otter Project protects our watersheds and coastal oceans to promote the rapid recovery of the threatened California sea otter. Using science-based policy and advocacy, this group works to advance coastal water quality and habitat protections that support California’s southern sea otter populations and the ecosystems they depend on.
Our Water Our World (OWOW): an award-winning partnership between city- and county-based water pollution prevention agencies and garden centers/hardware stores that sell pest control products. OWOW focuses on effective, less-toxic, eco-friendly products and techniques to solve pest problems and reduce the amount of harmful chemicals entering the environment
ReGen Monterey Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Program: It is illegal to dispose of hazardous waste in the trash, storm drains, or sewer, and this waste may not be disposed at the Monterey Peninsula Landfill or the Materials Recovery Facility. Accepted materials can be received at ReGen Monterey’s Household Hazardous Waste Facility from residents and small businesses from within the district service area. HHW includes waste – chemical and solid – generated incidental to maintaining a residence, small business, vehicle, and yard. It carries labels which indicate that it is harmful to humans, animals, and/or the environment. Other types of HHW include batteries, fluorescent bulbs, items with mercury, electronic waste, medications, and sharps.
Save Our Shores: a nonprofit marine conservation organization based in Santa Cruz, California, with a mission to care for the marine environment through ocean awareness, advocacy, and citizen action.
Save the Whales: educating children and adults about marine mammals, their environment, and their preservation.
The Surfrider Foundation: one of the largest non-profit grassroots organizations dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world’s ocean, waves, and beaches through a powerful activist network.
- Transportation Agency for Monterey County: Monterey Bay Area Complete Streets Program is a policy tool that helps local jurisdictions improve their transportation networks by making streets safe and accessible for everyone and includes a chapter on Green Streets/Low Impact Development.