In the Classroom

Students + Teachers

Your class can learn about storm water (urban runoff) pollution and how they can help prevent it. Using a hands-on model representing a neighborhood city, your students will be invited to “pollute” the model using Kool-Aid to represent motor oil, antifreeze, pesticides, fertilizers, and trash. A simulated rain storm will allow students to see the path of pollutants as they enter creeks and rivers on the model. 

Contact Us to receive FREE educational materials in English and Spanish to promote stormwater pollution prevention in your classroom and school, such as:

Classroom Materials


Local Tours


Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency (MRWPCA) provides wastewater treatment services for the southern Monterey Bay region. It is dedicated to meeting the wastewater and reclamation needs of our member agencies while protecting the environment. Learn more about the Treatment and Recycling Facilities Tour here.

Monterey Regional Waste Management District (MRWMD) is home to the Last Chance Mercantile, Recycling Drop-off Center, Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility, Materials Recovery Facility, Monterey Peninsula Landfill, and Organics to Energy Program. Learn more about the MRWMD Tour and School Presentations here.

Community Storm Drain Stenciling

This is a great opportunity for citizen volunteers from businesses and community organizations like you to help make a difference. By volunteering, you’ll be helping the environment, cutting costs to local communities and potentially creating an environment that will be protected without having to resort to expensive treatment systems. Learn more here.